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Latest high profile data breach shows importance of knowing your GDPR rights

There has been widespread coverage of the news that a Dublin based company which conducts liver screening procedures, Liver Wellness, has been affected by a significant data breach.

This data breach has brought into focus once again the important responsibilities that companies that hold personal data have under the GDPR.

When data breaches occur, there can be serious effects for the person affected. You may be concerned for the security of your sensitive and private health, financial or other personal information. You may be more vulnerable to scams from those who would seek to exploit the data breach and you may suffer financial loss.

When you are the victim of a data breach or other infringement of your rights under the GDPR, there are a number of steps you can take to protect yourself. In addition to making a complaint to the Data Protection Commissioner, you have a right to seek damages in compensation from the courts.

At My Case Solicitors, we are experts in data protection and GDPR litigation. We can advise you if you have a case and fight to protect your rights.

If you have been affected by the Liver Wellness data breach or by an infringement of your GDPR rights by any other company that holds your personal data, contact My Case Solicitors today.

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